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Below is an example of mock memorandum written for Public Relations classes.

Better Bags, Inc.

1735 NW Polar

Paperville, Kansas 66420

(785) 555-1234




MEMO TO: Tom Jones, Plant Manager


FROM: Brista Robinson, Public Relations Director


DATE: March 31, 2016


SUBJECT: Quality Report


            As per your request, I have investigated the problem regarding quality at your plant. Initial results indicate that a lack of communication might be a cause for quality control issues. While it would easy to blame one or two individuals, it is no one person's fault. Communication and quality require teamwork.


            With quality the most important issue, I propose using tactics to increase communication and ultimately maintain quality. The first step to improve communication is to increase daily communication among shift managers, then hold weekly meetings for all shift managers. By doing this, each shift will be on the same page throughout the day and quality can be maintained. Next, to build teamwork among shift employees monthly team building exercises will bring everyone together. Last, it is important that employees feel like they have a voice. By putting a suggestion/complaint box in the breakroom, they can feel like their ideas are being heard.


            In order to maintain quality of production standards all employees will need to retrain on quality control. By retaining everyone, no one individual will feel singled out. Additionally, responsibilities per shift employees and shift managers regarding specific quality control activities will need to be explicitly states. In that way there will be no confusion as to who is responsible for what role. Last, increasing quality control checks between shifts will help maintain the quality standards that are set forth.


            By putting these actions in place, you will see an increase in communication and overall quality of production.





Brista Robinson

Public Relations Director

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